NYBEP Directors

NYBEP Directors NYBEP is a longstanding not-for-profit organisation working in partnership with schools and businesses across the North of England helping young people to flourish, develop skills and nurture their talents to become the workforce of the future. We are...
Mowbray School – The Shop

Mowbray School – The Shop

Mowbray School - The Shop The Mowbray Special School in Bedale, North Yorkshire,  took a step to think outside the box for their careers education. Careers lead Nigel Wilford wanted the children to experience first hand the world of employment, gaining confidence and...


SeaGrown Work Experience Placement This case study focuses upon a one week work experience placement held at SeaGrown, a small company who are establishing a seaweed farm off of the Yorkshire Coast through support from the Coastal Communities Fund. The sustainable...


ASK Project The Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge (ASK) Project is a free Information, Advice and Guidance service for students and parents; highlighting apprenticeships and the pathways they can open to young people, supporting their transition from education to...