Post 16 Assessment Center

Richmond School’s Careers Leader identified that an increased number of their Post 16 students were applying for Higher Apprenticeships and whilst they had experience of mock interviews and applications; they were not feeling prepared for alternative selection process such as assessment centers and online testing.

Working with with their Enterprise Adviser (a Network Rail employee) and NYBEP, they shaped a pilot activity that introduced the competitive application and assessment centre process, whilst providing students with hints/tips for success and a valuable opportunity to experience being in that environment.

Students from Stokesley School – Richmond’s Multi Academy Trust partner – were also invited to take part. Making 30 learners in total.


On the day

A separate physical location on the school site was identified to give the activity a sense of the unfamiliar. The activity was supported by employer representatives from Network Rail, RAF, Analox and The City Secret.

Two 45 minute workshops were held on assessment centers and how to find an apprenticeship. This was followed by 40 minutes of speed networking, where the employers could explain their business to the students, as well as share their career pathways and give tips on how to make successful applications.

Learner Feedback 

What have you enjoyed the most? 

‘Practice in the assessment center’ 

‘Insight about how to succeed in an assessment center’

‘Learning about how to prepare for the interview process’